Dani Letsche

Current Projects

For the last 4 years I have been writing and performing content for The DistrActors- a group of professional actors that seek to bring joy during the downtime of healing for children dealing with illness. We create personalized theatre, music, puppetry, and improvisation to bring smiles, help kids see themselves in a winning narrative, and reframe their fight. 

All of the silliness comes free of charge to the patients!

Follow our socials to learn more about what we do and see more of our work.



It all started when…

I dipped my little toes in the performance world as a wee child in a ballet class. With my early passion for ‘art that makes you think,’ I dove onto the floor for my final recital pose, envisioning a beautiful and awe inspiring moment. Much to my chagrin I was laughed at by an unappreciative audience, though my mom said it was because I was cute. Anyway, I left the deeply dark and dramatic world of 3-year-old ballet for a life as a comedian with a penchant for physical gags. (And I still get called “cute.”)

I received a theatre education at both a high school and college level, attending the prestigious Bergen County Academies in Hackensack, NJ with a focus in Theatre Arts and getting my BFA in Acting from Hofstra. While I’ve had years of classical training, I’ve found my niche in comedy.  I was a writer/performer and producer with my all female sketch troupe “Thank You For Your Cervix” and I have completed the core improv courses, 101-401, at Upright Citizens Brigade. I also interned at UCB just to be surrounded by the comedy and atmosphere!

As a Voice Actor, I’ve been noted to have a good ear, good instincts, and that I take direction well. Currently I have a broadcast quality home set up. My voice is quite fitting for me: cute and quirky with a definite edge. 

Voice Over

Step Into My Office…

Welcome to my home office/broadcast quality booth, where I can be found at all hours auditioning, taking online classes and seminars, networking and honing my craft.

Home Studio

  • Sennheiser Shotgun Mic

  • Scarlett 2i2 USB interface

  • Source Connect Standard

  • Sound treatment

  • Fast turnaround time

VO Representation:

Stavins Talent
230 E. Ohio, Suite 410-1415
Chicago, IL 60611
312-938-1140 Office
312-938-1142  Fax




Bramante Artists
500 7th Avenue- 8th Floor
New York, NY 10018

Manaaged by:

Josselyne Herman & Associates
429 East 52nd street #35B
New York, New York 10022

Talk to me!